I went on today and... I gained 1 pound. I am still in the normal range but do you know what that 1 lb does to me???
My friend the Wii Fit board asks me, "What is the reason for your recent weight gain?"
I am pregnant!
I am 13 weeks today. I go back to the Doctor in 1 week for a check up and we are going to hear the heartbeat! We are so excited!
I am feeling good. A week and a half ago, I would have said great! Lately I have been tired, kind of emotional and a little high maintenance/whiny (according to Dan.) I just keep reminding him that it could be worse... (He has been very good to me- doing the laundry, dishes, making the bed, all the little things I need. Today he even "supervised" my dad putting in a new toilet!)
Tomorrow is the day I tell my students, and my co-workers. I would love to avoid the attention for just a little longer, but it has to come out. Sooner or later my belly is going to pop, and when it does I will be sure to post it.