We started by looking at a picture of Jesus.
M- "Jack, who is this?"
J- "Jesus"
We said "We belong to Jesus' church." Then we sang "I Belong to the Church of Jesus Christ" as we marched around the living room, "agee" and again and again. We tried distracting Jack by coloring a picture, but it didn't work so well. Next time we will save the song for the activity, and color as part of the lesson.
It was great! What kind of tricks will we have for next week???
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Dan got the day off today- first one in what seems like MONTHS! We put up our Christmas Village as a family, it looks GREAT! Thanks Dan and Jack for bringing up all the boxes!
Jack loved stacking them too!
We celebrated Christmas with Auntie Melissa and Uncle Aaron over the weekend (they were in town from DC.) Jack got away from dinner and found Cars on TV.
And finally, a video. I don't quite get it. He was eating a brownie... did he like seeing the brownie drop into the toilet, the echo, Dan & I both have had the flu in the past month- did he see us?
I don't know, but it is funny! (Maybe kind of inappropriate... sorry!)