We had a busy, busy weekend...
Dan and I were invited to a wedding, and after surveying friends, we decided it would be ok to take the baby. He is only 4 weeks old, people would understand.

We started with the ceremony and Jack was SO good, slept through the whole thing, not a peep out of him! We thought that one of us would for sure be out in the hall with Jack for the majority of the reception (dinner and dancing) but Jack was WONDERFUL! He slept in his carseat during dinner and the beginning of the dancing. After he woke up, we fed him a bottle. (He was a little slow, but didn't spit up at all.) And then went right back to sleep so some of Dan's friends could hold him. It was so good, we were a little nervous- tried to plan ahead for feeding him, backup clothes for if he leaked, everything. He's a good kid.

So, how do you reward him? I figure the least I can do is get up with him and smile... how often can he really get up in 7 hours? Well 2, 3, & 6 A.M., and then he never went back to bed. Jack and I just hung out, he followed me around the house as I got things ready for church, cleaned up a little, etc. He's a trooper. We are pretty lucky!
And just to remind me that no matter how little sleep I get, we can still have a little fun... We are driving to church on Sunday morning and I had the song "The Eye of the Tiger" in my head. Not quite sure why, but I'm singing along, making up words, etc. Out of no where, Dan says "I like it better in Spanish" and continues to sing the phrase "Ojo de Tigre" again and again. You may have had to be there, but I laughed...