Jack is standing on the chair, looking at the card and very thoughtfully puts his finger up his nostril. AWESOME!
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Well, I have not fallen off the face of the earth, I have just been busy. I am amazed at how little time I have to just sit and blog, check email, facebook, etc. now that I am home full time. It's also amazing at how I very easily forget to take pictures now that I am with Jack all day. I do love my time at home with him, it's just not a walk in the park all the time. I'm sure you all are thinking "I could have told you that!"
A couple of pictures I actually remembered to take...
After buying a kitchen at my favorite bi-annual rummage sale, I found this one (the one I actually wanted) at a neighbor's garage sale for $5. I hid the other one for Christmas, but I couldn't quite hide this one. What are we going to do with 2 kitchens???
Jack talks A LOT! One of my favorite things he just started doing (who knows where he learned it) is rolling around on our bed, pulling up the covers and saying "ni, ni." It is very cute. Now at night we just ask him "do you want to go ni, ni." and he goes to his crib and says "ni, ni." We've got it good!
Jack surprised us with "circle" yesterday afternoon. That again, WE DIDN'T TEACH HIM! It must be his school experience sticking with him! Of course in the video he calls everything a circle, but he knows which one really is (and we let the oval be a circle for now.)
What else are we doing with our days together- running errands, playdates with friends, walks to the park, STILL sorting through the remainder of my classroom things. PLENTY to keep us busy!