I have the happiest little boy right now... He has been asking for weeks to watch Mickey Mouse Choo Choo, with the snow and santa. What? That was a Christmas special we watched 8 months ago. WELL- Disney decided to play this Christmas special yesterday so we have it on the DVR AGAIN! HOORAY!
Because I have a few minutes- I wanted to upload this little video of Jack fishing with Papa Russ and Dad (the women were on the boat too- but I don't like to deal with the fish too much so I was just there for the ride.)
I was not pleased to take off Nora's vest, but she was not having it. Maybe we'll wait until next year for her to be part of the boating experience.
We all have different goals in life- depending on age and life situation. Here are our family's accomplishments...
Me: I am blogging. Jack: He is POTTY TRAINED!!! An occasional drip once in a while, but he is asking to use the toilet regularly. I LOVE IT! (I am sure it would have been a quicker process had he been a little bit older, but I was just kind of sick of buying two HUGE boxes of diapers from SAM'S. Now it's only 1 big box!)
Also, notice what is missing in these pictures? His McQueen hat! We made it to and through church without it. It was wonderful! And since we had a little time at home before he got to it, I thought we'd snap some pictures.
Nora: I wish I could say she was sleeping through the night, but I would be lying. I am getting pretty good sleep though- no major complaints. She has been rolling from her belly to back for a couple of weeks, but she learned how to roll from her back to belly now! Hooray, except she has forgotten how to go from her belly to back, so she gets stuck and gets crabby. she loves to roll though, so we have got to be within ear shot so we can come to her aid.
Not to forget... Nora pooped through all of her church clothes yesterday- not a great accomplishment, but one none the less. This is from before church- thank goodness for bleach on the white onesie!
As for Dan... I don't know what he's accomplished today so far- other than working of course- but there is a sink full of dirty dishes that can be on his list if he's looking for something to do. :)