Our Halloween Celebrations are coming to an end! It has been really fun this year with a 2 1/2 year old. His favorite part, costumes. His least favorite part (maybe a show/exaggeration) is him telling me he is afraid of everything. It's actually pretty funny, but he is genuinely a little leery of the dark-a flashlight is his #1 companion.
We carved a pumpkin for the family. Jack loved the candle inside and the pumpkin's two teeth.
The kids were Minnie & Mickey Mouse! Our only picture from the ward Halloween party. Jack loved getting all of the treats. (I should nte that we had a soup/chili cook-off my soup took 3rd place...) This is our 3rd Trick-or treating adventure (obviously not many pictures from the other two!) We trick-or-treated to 3 of Grandma & Papa's neighbors, in our stroller, in the rain. The kids survived- Dan and I were pretty wet. Happy Halloween! We dressed festive for today! And I think that is the end of our celebrating. Jack sat down to watch a Mickey Mouse episode, in his Mickey Mouse costume. And I came back, he was sleeping sitting up. I helped him lie down so he was a little more comfortable.
I think this is a case of "Too Much Halloween." Happy November tomorrow!
A couple ladies and I from church are doing a preschool co-op once a week. We each take a turn teaching, a turn watching the teacher's extra child (super nice to teach without Nora needing anything when it's my turn) and 2 weeks to drop off our child and have a couple of hours to get things done, without a 2 year-old. It is a lot of fun to teach, but also really exciting to hear from Jack all about it.
The highlights (from a 2 year old perspective) Week 1: He had a lollipop, used leaves, and made candy corn Week 2: Played outside, and he was afraid of the turtles (pet turtles they showed for T week) Week 3: LOVED the obstacle course. That is all he wants to do downstairs now. Oh, and we had marshmallows for snack (we sorted them, and counted them first, but who cares when you get to eat them.)
Our first day! (Sadly we didn't have a backpack for him, so he used a diaper bag/backpack we got as a free sample when he was born. LAME MOM move- but he's 2. He doesn't know the difference.) But, I did find him one at my favorite rummage sale. McQueen too! He loves it, obviously. :)
So, I'm a little behind. OVER a month ago, we went on a family vacation. We don't vacation much, so a 14 hour car ride with 2 kids was a new experience. We survived... actually we thrived! Dan drove, I took care of the kids and we made excellent time and we were all happy!
We stopped to visit friends in Indiana on our way to North Carolina. Jack loved playing outside with his friends. Dan played outside with all of the kids, kicking a soccer ball. It got stuck in the tree and that was Jack's favorite thing! He still talks about going to play with our friends and kicking the soccer ball in the tree.
Then we headed to North Carolina to visit Dan's parents and sister. They live on a golf course, so there was a lot of relaxing!
Jack riding in the golf cart with Grandma Diane.
Feeding the ducks with Auntie Katie.
A much needed nap- usually I got kids sleeping, so this was a nice sight to see when I went to check on the status. Notice Dan holding Mickey close. :) Dan got to check North Carolina off of his Frisbee Golf list! Jack loved to go "ding ding ding" in the baskets. This is actually the car ride there. Jack slept through our lunch stop, so we got him a bonus cheeseburger towards the end of the driving day. We had a fancy mini-van with the pull down DVD player and Jack was in HEAVEN- or "I'm the boss" mode at this point!
And Nora was there too!
Obviously the camera didn't come out much, but we had a great time! Dan golfed 3 times, I took a nap every day and got to go see the old buildings at Pinehurst. We went out to eat and just enjoyed relaxing, playing pool, and watching movies. It was wonderful!