Driving 20 hours there & back, prepping for a wedding/reception, and kids out of their element hardly seems like a vacation. Those are the types of vacations you need a vacation from a "vacation."
Marcia got married! That is 6 of six, married in the temple and we were all there to witness it! Kind of hokey to be dressed identical in the wedding clothes, but it was a wonderful experience to see all of us sisters & husbands lined up in the temple for the sealing. We were all in the front row, and it was very exciting. Laughing, crying, smiles. Just WONDERFUL!

Marcia & Chandler Nora being shy
Nora loves Papa (and she is so mellow for him) and Jack wiping his nose with Marcia's dress
Jack sleeping after a long day (at the reception)

A family picture

2 new babies- Liam (Melissa & Aaron) and Easton (Manda & Ben)
Playing with Sadie
Lots of cousins
Free & easy entertainment
Playing with friends
Bag lady... loving her new freedom with walking
Jack's first motorcycle ride
Papa's IPad
We also enjoyed seeing friends (we had a big WI party but never took any good pictures), eating good food-Cafe Rio and Tucanos, and just enjoying the beautiful weather. Our Utah vacations never seem long enough!
I love the update. My favorite is the cute picture of Nora being shy. Ane after driving 4 1/2 hours to Minnesota this week, I can honestly say that I don't think we would make it very far driving to Utah. I am so impressed that your kids did so well.
How special that you were all gathered together for the wedding. I'm sad I missed it, Marcia looks so beautiful.
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