Thursday, June 14, 2012

A Transformation

Our yard has been in need of "IMPROVEMENTS" since we moved in 5 years ago. Weeds overtake most planted areas, the grass is always a little bit to long and definitely NOT trimmed around the edges, and a couple of empty dirt spots that could use some beautiful flowers. What can we say, except both Dan and I dislike yard work, A LOT.

So, instead of improving those types of things (maybe next year) we did all kinds of other fun stuff!

We had our sidewalks redone and had a cement patio poured.
We built a swingset
Filled the swimming pool
and added a GIANT sandbox (- sand table, + water table)

It's been a couple of months in the works, but it is all worth it. The kids love it all!

Swinging with friends

Swimming and mowing the grass

Building the sandbox

Moving the sand water table fun

the finished project & the hard workers

play time with friends

And the happy kids!



Kim Cannon said...

We love your new sand box!

The Gray Gang said...

Thats awesome!!!!!

Shalese said...

Gage loves coming to play at your house! Thanks for letting him enjoy the fun from your hard work :)

sylvia said...

That's awesome! Great job guys!