Sleep is much more regular- sleeping almost 11 hours at night and one really good nap for 2 hours +, we are all getting by just fine.

She has a couple of words- for sure cheese, mom, and dad. I think she says Jack when looking at pictures. She loves to make noise and chat with you, especially when you go in to get her from her crib and she is standing and wants to tell you all about life. It is pretty cute.

Likes to be held and is enjoying our nighttime routine- read a book, look at our picture frames, and sing a song. She gets really wiggly and you lay her down and she is out. It's awesome, except that the ideal time to do this all is 7:30 and we just aren't ready/home/with it enough to have her going to sleep that early.
She is a nightmare during sacrament meeting at church. We haven't found that magical activity that will keep her busy and allow us time to listen to the meeting. And she roams the halls with either of us during the rest of church. Less than 3 months until nursery with her big brother!
She loves her big brother. She likes to follow him, do the things he does, and be close to him. Her latest tricks are climbing on the ottoman for the couch and jumping into the lovesac, sitting in his seat on the couch, and sharing his treats (he doesn't share food, especially if it is good.) She tries to talk to him, but he doesn't like that she says "ga, ga, ga" and no words. he just tells her "stop saying GA!"
Favorite activities- playing outside, playing with the dollhouse downstairs, swinging, water- pools/water table/bathtub/spitting it out from her water cup.
Still uses a pacifier, although we are really trying to cut it back to just in her bed (naptime & bedtime)
She is definitely more independent/opinionated/strongwilled, but she is great!
Picnic with juice boxes! She loves them-and likes to take others when they are abandoned.
A catnap in the bike trailer. She is a trooper!
A stinker with the pacifier and getting ready in the mirror
And laying next to a sleeping big brother. She really likes to be just like him!
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