My favorite things these days...
Jumping and climbing on everything, seems like he is getting into everything (I have been very lucky for a long time! It's not that he couldn't do this before, he just didn't. I liked it that way, but it is fun to watch him DISCOVER.)
Loves playing outside, preferably in his swimming suit, and blowing bubbles
Is very into possession- "Jack's car" or "Jack's Shoes" It is interesting all of the things that are Daddy's- Daddy's bed, car, tv, computer, phone, and mommy gets the "tools" (vacuum cleaner, screwdrivers, sewing machine) and "Mommy's Phone"
He knows all of his letters, thanks to "The Letter Factory" DVD
He loves to sing songs. "Popcorn Popping" and "The Itsy Bitsy Spider," and has just started singing along to "I am a Child of God" (and likes to hum along too!)
HE LOVES "This Little Piggy" on his toes at night. I need some more rhymes like this- if you have one, please let me know!
Does pretty good being a big brother, but every once in a while asks for "Rock a Baby," where I swaddle him and hold him like a baby. He doesn't ask for the pacifier so it's pretty harmless.
She is very predictable. I know what she wants, and when she wants it. There isn't a whole lot of guessing these days. :)
She is sleeping "the night" or at least until 6:15 AM most nights. I LOVE THAT!
She is so happy! smiles, and giggles, and loves to just lay down and play
She rolls over
She is sucking her thumb (as she plays)- which I am not very fond of, but what can I do?
She loves to be naked, get her diaper changed, and baths
Those are my little people that I LOVE.
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This is a great video that my friend posted on her blog. I love it! It makes me think of my own 2 year old and the things that make him so happy, blowing bubbles, going outside, singing songs, or playing cars, and how important all of the little day-to-day things are that show him how much I love him.
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