Tuesday, April 7, 2009

7 weeks...

I will not get into the habit of posting baby Jack's weekly milestones (because sometimes it's not all that interesting), but his 7 week birthday was EVENTFUL!!!
As you saw below-(down 3 posts "I wish someone would have told me"), things were going good. I wasn't getting much out of him for naps, but he was sleeping SO good at night! I was loving it!

As of Friday or Saturday, I started to hear a new cry from our handsome man. A sad & whiny cry. He cried when he stopped eating, he cried when I changed his diaper, he was just sad. That was hard to hear. But then on Sunday morning he wouldn't go back to sleep in his crib so we ended up on the couch. He let me sleep until 10:30 AM, which means he was sleeping until 10:30 AM. We got up to have breakfast with
Dan and to relax and he was so lethargic. He just laid on my shoulder and would cry whenever I pulled him away. For a kid who does not nap, this was not usual.

We took his temperature under is arm-99.1* (add a degree and that's 100.1) After some discussion, we called the on call Dr. (who was my pediatrician growing up-Jack's pediatrician's dad) and he said that we needed to get over to the Emergency room (after I took a rectal temp and it was 100.1 and still calculating-not going to lie I had no idea what I was doing!!!) Babies under 8 weeks/2 months needed to be checked for a bacterial infection. He said most likely he had what Dan had earlier in the week, but we needed to be sure.

We took him to the ER. We were checked in 2 little triage rooms and each time he had a wet diaper. Of all times NOT to be prepared, I had only 1 diaper! I usually have like 4 in the diaper bag! Luckily the hospital let us have as many as we wanted (I took 2, but we ended up needing more during our 5 hour stay!)

After a blood test (via an IV so they could give him fluids, which they didn't end up needing to do because he was still eating & peeing), a urine test (they do a little catheter-very sad) and a spinal tap (which we left the room for-I cried through the blood test/IV, I don't think I could have handled this) they concluded it was a viral infection not bacterial. They sent us home.
**I am really sad I did not have my camera- I brought it out to take pictures in the morning and it never made it back in the bag. We put him in the cutest little hospital gown. We-I considered taking it home just to get a picture of it and then we could return it.**

We went to see our pediatrician on Monday and Jack was happy and doing much better, still a fever but everything checked out to be fine. We just have to give him extra love and cut him a little slack. That is not too hard, and I am enjoying the extra cuddle time. While we were there I asked the Dr. about Jack's lack of napping and he said I may only get 30 min. twice a day, which is fine. He said that getting him on a routine during the day will help him nap too-but we should hold off until he is feeling better.
Do you like his Goofy Sticker? I figured he deserved a sticker (we actually take one at each appt. I guess they don't give them to babies...)

Today was a much better day. We had smiles this morning, a nap or two during the day and he even survived a shopping trip with me and Grandma Cindy!

For the record: 7 weeks & 1 day... 11 lbs. 11 oz.!


emily j said...

So glad he's feeling a little better!

lindsy said...

that is no fun when they are so little. we were back in the ER when Wyatt was 10 days old with a high fever and they did all of that to him too. We ended up being there for 48 hours. yuck. glad you guys are home again

Jen I said...

Oh that stinks! Ryan always told made such a big deal about not letting them get fevers before 3 months or whenever it is because they have to do such a big workup. Reading this I'm like - wow, you're not kidding. So sad! Hope he's getting better! So sad when the little guys are sick and so helpless.

Megan said...

So happy to hear he is doing better. There are so many momets as a mom where I think this is the happiest I could possibly be, but when something goes wrong, you know that it is also in this role as mother that I could be the most sad. He is so handsome!

H. said...

Emily told me about this. UGH!! I'm so sorry. It's so hard to watch them poke and prod your little guy! When they're already sick it's just like adding insult to injury!! Of course they just have to be precautious, but what a horrible afternoon for you all. I'm glad he seems to be doing a bit better. You are a great mom.

Melissa said...

I'm so glad he's doing better! That bug took me out for a couple days, I can't imagine what the little guy had to go through :( These pic's are the best yet! He's really working it for the camera.