Jack is not quite crawling yet, but he gets him self into a lot of things...
Jack and his friend having lunch together, yes on the floor. Jack kept trying to get her food, but she was not having it. They both look angry, but they were actually really enjoying their lunch date. (Yes she is 18 mo. older than him but I'm pretty sure he outweighs her by a couple of pounds.)
Paper, paper and more paper. I was cleaning out my church bag and he got a hold of my junk/scraps pile. Stinker!
His other favorite things... our potatoes & onions we keep on shelves at the end of our counter. I tried to distract him today with little fun-size boxes of "Dots" but he did care for those.
Water bottles- when I take this away from him he just CRIES/WHINES. I think he might be a little spoiled.
Keys, cell phones, the laptop, any food we are eating. Pretty much anything we have, he wants. My favorite is when I give him food on his high chair and he won't touch it. But if the same food is on my plate/fork, he will eat it (and a lot of it!) Talk about high maintenance. I guess we can be glad he isn't crawling yet, imagine the trouble he will find.
Fun play date! He's a cute one. I keep for getting to ask you about YW. I'll catch you on Sunday!
Yay, Kate made your blog! I feel so honored :) Is she really 18 months older than Jack?! Wow you really can't tell from looking at the two of them together....
is jack feeling any better? why is it that we spend money on toys and their favorites are things just laying around the house?!?!?
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