I'm sure you all care about my inner thoughts- but let me tell you how my night went last night.
I worked, ran to Sam's Club, exchanged our cable box, and made it home. We were home just long enough to get some dinner packed, change into my frisbee clothes, pack a cooler and we were right out the door to pick up babysitters and get to our frisbee game.
We are late to our ultimate frisbee game (not to be confused with frisbee golf)- they changed the time to 6:20. We were never on time when it was 6:30, why would we be on time now??? Dan runs out to play (actually tells me to keep the babysitters occupied so he could go find a tree.) I get all of our stuff, the girls, and Jack out of the car and to the field, where I am informed that I will be playing the whole game because we only have 3 girls. I am used to playing like 1/4 of the game!
As soon as I have Jack settled, I run out to play. We lost 15-13, but it was a great game. A personal best for me! I didn't die (although I thought I was going to when the game was 12-14) and I had 1 "D" (which is smacking the disc to the ground so the other team couldn't catch it, it was a first for me), 3 catches, and one hammer throw to me that I had to jump for, I touched it! That is more than I have ever touched the disc before. I had no drops and one back-hand throw that was pretty good for me.
I was pretty pumped- all I could think to myself is "I might be in the best shape of my life" which comparatively is not really that good. (I am at one of my lowest weights, and I actually run, mow the lawn, and run after an 18 month old all the time, so maybe I am!) It motivates me a little to work harder and add a little more workout into my life- after frisbee is done of course.
Back to last night- We stopped for a cold treat on the way home, took the babysitters home, and then went home to shower and get to bed hopefully before 10. Even as we lay in bed, I was pretty excited until...
I read on my friend's facebook that they were leaving WI. and I crashed. I was an emotional mess! WHAT THE HECK!!! I guess that is one of the side effects of a really good workout- the high and then the low.
Dan and I watched a homicide show to hopefully distract me (and scare me), and I was sleeping by 11. Not exactly how I had planned the evening, but it turned out ok.
I am feeling much more in control today- although I am very tired and very sore. Dan and I might be moving around like old people for the weekend, but it's good because we will be home.
We're going to get rid of the pacifier this weekend. It would be wise to wait until we are both at our best to do this, but we will always have excuses. Wish us luck!
Oh- and all of this after a busy Tuesday- work, mow the lawn, party, city meeting, finish mowing the lawn, and laundry- that I still haven't quite recovered from.
THAT'S MY LIFE. I love my life, but it sure is exhausting some days!
Here's a couple pictures from our party the other day- I think we had 8 moms and 10 kids... or about that. It was a party!

Don't be confused by this one... he still does not eat Fruits & Vegetables, although, he is a little intrigued by some fruits!