We were going to go for ice cream afterward, but we had more fun running around in the lobby. It was wonderful!
Our latest "hobby": Marshmallow Shooter Capture the flag in our basement.
How it all began... I mentioned a couple of months ago to a friend that I wanted to make a marshmallow shooter. She tells me that she has made one and they are very fun. I forget about it, and for my birthday my friend gave me a gift. I opened it up and it was my very own marshmallow shooter WITH mini-marshmallows. I was just so impressed- what a thoughtful gift! (Jack loved it too!)
Then... I decided to make marshmallow shooters for my siblings and their spouses for their $1 gifts for Christmas. Of course Dan got one out of the deal, the Elders serving in our ward, and a couple of extra shooters just to keep handy.
New Years Eve: We have no plans, just a quiet night at home. We call the Elders to see if they want some snacks. With nothing to do, we set up Capture the Flag in our basement. Lots of fun! This is a picture of one of the battlefields. (I kind of just let our basement free game- you can use anything to build forts, obstacles, etc. I knew that there would be some recovery after the fun!)
Then... A Marshmallow Shooter War. After telling some friends how much fun our marshmallow guns were, we had the Missionaries over for dinner and invited the friends for a PARTY. The kids had a great time upstairs, while the real party took place downstairs.
Jack and his friend playing McQueen on the piano ( at 10 PM or later... they are so good together!)
The funny thing is, after our "war" we decided we needed to even out the battlegrounds. The side with all of our storage stuff had a huge advantage because it was a disaster! NOT ANYMORE! Dan helped me clean out and organize so that it is better equipped for our next game. It looks GREAT!
The only sad thing...I am getting a little big to really get in the action. I may have to sit out the next couple of games. Bummer.
that looks like fun!!
Thanks for posting. I just got caught up on looking at the last month or so. It looks like your bday/christmas was so fun for you guys. We missed you and are excited to see everyone next year. Hey post a pic of your tummy. Stop hiding it in the pics. hehe. Jack & cade are both so big cute. I love hearing Jack talk too! We miss you guys! Can't wait to visit sometime soon! love ya. ps. now im wanting to make marshmallow guns just for a war with our friends hehe.
sounds like so much fun!!! we need to come visit so we can play too!! =)
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