A few of our favorite, and not so favorite, things about her...
She loves food! However, from one day to the next she changes her mind on what she likes. What she gobbles one meal, is pushed aside (on the floor) at the next.
She is starting to sleep through the night. I love this! yet, she is up by 6:30 AM which I don't love. She does nap great and goes down without a fuss, at night she throws a fit so we've decided to just rock her at night. It only takes a minute, and it is really sweet to hold a sleeping baby.
Her favorite things- loves the sand table, water, toys (emptying & refilling buckets of toys-we just need to teacher how to sort!) and hates other things- GRASS, her new carseat, getting her diaper changed.
She is really into blowing bubbles/spitting right now. Always making noise and yells/whines really loud when we are not meeting her needs (or just can't figure them out.)
She is really really happy. Loves to go up to anyone visiting our house and have them hold her. You would think I never hold her, but I DO I DO! She is just very sweet- her favorite people to just be held by, other than mom & dad, are Papa Russ, Kim, Shalese, and Michelle.
Nora gives kisses (just smack your lips at her), gives really sweet hugs with arms tight around you and pats your back, and if you put out your hand she will pretend to give you her pacifier
That is our sweet "love bug!"

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