Happy Mothers Day!
The day started off so well... I woke up at 6:30, and just could not sleep any longer. I got up and took a shower, made a poster for primary at church, wrapped some presents, wrote an email or two. I don't know- I did
A LOT only because I had 1 1/2 hours! Jack did not stir until 8 AM!!! That is by far the longest he has slept in! Who could ask for anything more on Mother's Day. (Why couldn't I take advantage of it and sleep in too?
Jack got up- he had breakfast. I made chocolate covered strawberries, played a little. We had company in town so we had a delicious breakfast. Everything was going GREAT!
When I am working in the kitchen, this is Jack's favorite place to sit! Or on the stool in front of the freezer. Dan went to church (with our company) he had meetings. Jack and I got ready the rest of the way and ran an errand to Brookfield to drop off some work things. Again- we were doing GREAT!
We made it to church on time. Jack was very good during Sacrament Meeting. He just wanted to sit on our friend's laps for most of the meeting.
Then for primary- 2 hours long- and I had to play piano. So Dan kept Jack, and played with him, let him walk the halls, sat with him in Dan's meetings. Dan is wonderful. Really I start to miss him during this time, so when I saw them in the halls with less than 5 minutes to go, and Jack reached for me, I took him. I had
only one more song to play.
I let Jack sit in a little kid chair (still too big for him) but HE LOVED IT! he just smiled, swung his legs. I remember looking at him and thinking "This is what being a kid is all about! Just loving life, enjoying the little things. When was the last time I could just sit and swing my legs, without a care in the world?
Then it was time to play- I thought I would bring the chair closer to the piano so I could be there if he decided to get up. There- that was MY MISTAKE. I should have known...
I turn the page in the music book, and "BAM!" Jack falls forward right into the piano leg. I quickly get up, hand him off to Dan so that I can get through the LAST SONG. Jack is bleeding, bad. All over Dan's white shirt, all over himself. I realize what is going on. A nice woman offers to get us ice. Dan runs into the women's bathroom to get paper towel. And the rest is a big blurr... until we got to the car. Papa Russ made it in the car with us, and we were off to the hospital.
If I had just left him where he was! He would have had just a bruise (if he had even moved. He was really enjoying himself.) Instead, the damage... an inch long vertical slice in his forehead! 6 stitches and a popsicle and we were out the door-45 min! That has got to be an ER record.
Lesson learned: "I know you love it, but your mom should know better."
Happy Mothers Day to a Mother who is figuring things out: one day, one situation, one child at a time.
(Papa Russ took some pictures with his phone- so there may be more pictures soon!)