Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Just the beginning

Happy Summer! We have been extra busy enjoying the nice weather and spending time with friends and family.
A couple of highlights...

We had SEVERE weather on Monday night- we decided to head down to the basement. We made a nice bed on the floor, and TRIED to move Jack downstairs without disturbing his sleep. That lasted 3 minutes and then he was one PARTY ANIMAL! The great thing about it all-we went back upstairs at 10:20 and he was drowsy and went right back in his crib without a peep.
We are all safe- so is our house. We are THANKFUL!

Our cousins came to visit from Illinois. Jack and Cade relaxing in the recliner at Grandma & Papas. The big boys went fishing, and the girls and these two went out to dinner at Red Robin- very good food but Jack is not so fun at restaurants.

Just a silly picture.
And- how can I forget that I am playing in an Ultimate Frisbee league with Dan this summer. What was I thinking??? It is a lot of running, good thing I am there to be a girl body and only play just as much as the other girls ABSOLUTELY NEED ME. The first point or two is VERY painful, but after that it is A LOT of fun. Last week we had to take Jack with us so Dan I never got to play on the field together. It just just nice being out as a family!

And that is just the beginning of our summer. We are looking forward to sneaking in a lot more fun in between the necessities of life- eat, sleep, and of course work.


Cami and Juan said...

I love how he's cheering you on in the last picture. Good for you playing in Dan's frisbee league. I would never dare. Juan tried to get me to do kickball once.

Natalie said...

Thats so funny...Nila thought it was party-time when we went down to our basement too. :)

Manda Sue said...

Thats so fun. you should take jack as much as you can. he will prob end up being an ultimate player one day too. i can see you now- you , dan and your 7 kids making up an entire team! haha