Thursday, June 25, 2009


It started out sarcastic- Dan telling me that doing the dishes was more fun because we did it together, or running errands, or even going for a walk. However, I think he is figuring it out that some things really are more fun when we do it together...

Eating dinner on Tuesday night with Grandma Diane and Grandpa Damon.
Filling water balloons Tuesday night for my water activity Wed. night. (Dan already had changed- but this is me after his "help")

In life, things are always more fun when we do it together.

1 comment:

Brittany and Scott said...

i think you have to appreciate the little things together since that time is harder to come by these days. so i need clarification on the 4 month doctor visit. jack takes 5 naps a day!! are they good naps or cat naps??